Kue Rangi

sumber gambar : resep masakan

Rangi cake, or also called sago rangi, is one of the traditional Betawi cakes. This cake is made from a mixture of starch (the Betawi people usually call it sago flour) with grated coconut which is baked with special mould on a small stove. Rangi cake is served with a spread of brown sugar thickened with a little flour. To be fragrant and appetizing, this thick liquid sugar is sometimes mixed with jackfruit, pineapple or durian pieces. Rangi cake tastes savoury and fragrant because it is cooked by baking using wood fuel.

Rangi cake moulds are similar to pancong or bandros cake moulds but smaller in size. Some small traders make rangi cakes without using cookie cutters, so they are only minimized and thinned. The main ingredients for making rangi cakes include old coconut, starch or tapioca, and a little salt and water. This cake ingredients dough cannot last long because it is easily stale, so it must be spent in one day and usually topped with melted brown sugar.

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