Grontol Jagung

sumber gambar : picgarden

Traditional food is indeed timeless. Aside from the nostalgic taste, it is also tasty and nutritious. One of them is typical Central Java and Yogyakarta food, grontol jagung or also known as coconut corn.

Material :

300 gr pipil corn

1 teaspoon of whiting water

2000 ml of water to boil

2 teaspoons of salt

2 pieces of pandan leaves


25 grams of sugar

150 gr of long grated coconut, steamed

1 sheet of pandan leaves

½ teaspoon of salt

How to make :

1. Soak pipil corn with whiting water for one night, wash, then drain.

2. Boil water until boiling. Add corn, salt and pandan leaves, boil until the corn blooms and ripe, lift and drain.

3. Mix the coconut with pandan leaves and salt, mix well, steam for 15 minutes, then lift.

4. Serve grontol with sugar and grated coconut.

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