Pantai Gondo Mayit

The location of the beach is located in Tambak Rejo Village, Wonotirto District, Blitar Regency, East Java. This beach is like a hidden paradise. There are still not many tourists visiting this Gondo Mayit Beach. The place is cool and beautiful. You can enjoy the beach holiday atmosphere while sitting under the green trees. In this place, you will not find sharp rocks, but you can enjoy the stretch of white sand coloured pearls and crystal clear water. Sunset views on Gondo Mayit Beach are also perfect for those of you who like to enjoy the beauty of the sunset.

Gondo Mayit beach has the charm of white sand that is spread clean and free of rubbish and other debris. the sea water that is clear and sparkling will be interesting to swim in it. when the water is in order, you will be able to see the colourful beach organisms. afternoon scenery with the sun shining on the orange-yellow sky will make this beach more beautiful.

on the beach, there are no large, sharp and dangerous corals so visitors can play water or swim in it without fear of being hit. however, we still have to be careful because the waves that hit the coast are famous.

The route to Gondo Mayit Beach

To reach this beach, you can only drive private vehicles either two or four-wheeled vehicles because there is no public transportation. But you don’t need to worry, walking there is quite easy. From the city of Blitar, you take the route to Kademangan and Tulungagung. At the Kademangan T-junction, you will see the signboard “Tambak Rejo” asking you to turn left. You need to continue the journey until you arrive at Tambak Rejo beach and park there. If you don’t bring lunch, you can shop for food first at the Rejo Pond beach, which is mostly processed seafood.

Access to Gondo Mayit Beach

Gondo Mayit Beach is located behind the hill of the Tambak Rejo beach. The only access to Gondo Mayit Beach is walking the hill from the beach of Tambak Rejo. Wear mountain sandals or sports shoes so that your feet don’t get scratched. This trip is quite energy consuming. You will explore a river mouth where tide allows you to swim there. You will pass a rocky and winding road and meet many climbs and derivatives. But on the hill, you can see the beautiful view of the South Sea and hear the waves of the ocean.

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Well, along the trail on the hill you will find a place to rest like a hut complete with long chairs and tables. So you can lie down for a moment. On this trail, you will find several stalls that sell food and drink. For those of you who don’t like snacks, you can enjoy the supplies you have prepared before travelling to this beach. When you arrive at Gondo Mayit tour, all the fatigue is lost captive by her beauty.

The price of admission to Gondo Mayit beach is free, but because you need to enter Tambak Rejo Beach first, then you need to spend IDR 3,000 per person. You need to make sure you get a ticket so that you are not billed again.

Souvenirs that are characteristic of Gondo Mayit Beach are grilled tuna.

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